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Worcester & Somerset Counties 1/19/12


Joe Hanfman


Joe Hanfman


Fri, 20 Jan 2012 07:29:36 -0500

On Thursday, 1/19/12, Jeff Culler and I went to several locations in
Worcester & Somerset Counties. We ended up with 73 species in Worcester in
6 hours and 40 species in Somerset in 2 hours.
The highlights were:

West Ocean City Pond
Blue-winged Teal 1, female
Black-crowned Night-Heron 6, all juveniles

Ocean City Inlet
Common Eider 2, adult males
Harlequin Duck 2, pair
White-winged Scoter 2
American Oystercatcher 15
Purple Sandpiper 45

Ocean City--Skimmer Island
Brant 300
Red Knot 1, seen from Rt 50 near Hoopers

Castaways Campground
Remember to check in and ask for permission before entering. They are
working on the beach with a bull dozer.
Northern Gannet 3
Merlin 1, caught and ate an unidentified bird.
Black-bellied Plover 30

Bayside Development Pond
Redhead 6
Tree Swallow 3

Assateague State Park
LARK SPARROW 1, Near the bathhouse across from Pumphouse #2.
Ipswich Sparrow (Savannah) 1, Very tame and running on the ground near us.
About 100 yards north of the Lark Sparrow location.

Truitt's Landing
Lesser Yellowlegs 46

Fairmount WMS--East Impoundment
American Coot 7
Chipping Sparrow 8

Deal Island WMA--Riley Roberts Rd
We decided to end the day here based on Jim Brighton's recent heron watch
at the end of this road.
American Bittern 2, One flew right over us, about 10 yards off the ground.
Great Blue Heron 6
Great Egret 11
Snowy Egret 3, saw well before the sun set. Black bills, black legs, yellow
Clapper Rail 1
Virginia Rail 1

All of the herons and egrets were flying very low over the marsh. The wind
was picking up. There were also duck hunters out in the marsh.

Good birding,
Joe Hanfman
Columbia, MD


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